‘if something happens to me for speaking truth’– Watch As Cardi B hits out at NYC Governor over budget cuts

Cardi B criticizes New York mayor for massive budget cuts in the NYPD, claiming crimes will skyrocket due to the reduction in police safety budget.

America’s a-star rapper Cardi B is angry with the New York mayor, Eric Adams, for announcing massive budget cuts in New York Police department budget. She claims crimes are going to skyrocket because of Hizzoner’s plan to chop the NYPD budget, among other things.

During a live stream with nearly thirty thousand viewers tuned in, Cardi B fumed at Eric Adams, alleging that something may happen to her for speaking the truth and still wants to make her views viral.

‘There is a $120 million budget cut announced in New York that will impact schools, public libraries and the police department’, Cardi B asserted in the video.

The Governor has announced a 5% budget cut to compensate for the billions of dollars the city has spent taking care of asylum seekers who have flooded New York.

“What’s going to happen to my nieces, what’s going to happen to my nephews, what’s going to happen to my cousins, my aunts, my friends that’s living in the hood?” Cardi B asked.

“I’m from the Bronx, I don’t want to see my s–t affected … Everybody be like ‘New York is dirty,’ and it is dirty,” the rapper continued. “And we’re going to get even dirtier with the f—ing budget cut.”

“Crimes are gonna go through the roof because there is a police safety budget cut,” she said, referencing Adams’ cancellation of the next five police academy classes, which threatens to push New York’s Finest to its lowest manpower level in three decades.

“And on top of that there’s a sanitation f—ing budget cut so that means we’re gonna be drowning in rats,” the rapper added.

New York Mayor plans to slash $32 million from the city’s sanitation department and $74 million from the FDNY and $547 million from the Department of Education.

Hizzoner is also getting rid of a number of street garbage cans in the outer boroughs, while 34 popular cultural institutions — including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Museum of Natural History — will see their funding cut as the city’s Cultural Institutions Group budget will be chopped by nearly $6 million.

Adams told a Police Athletic League lunch on Friday that this is a moment where it’s an all hands on deck moment. “The way it goes, New York goes, America goes, but I’m going to need you more than ever to support many of these organizations like PAL, Robin Hood Foundation, and others,” he said. “A moment where our philanthropic interests must align with some of the gaps and services that we are seeing today.”

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